Data Analysis

How to Perform Residual Normality Analysis in Linear Regression Using R Studio and Interpret the Results

Residual normality testing is a key assumption check in linear regression analysis using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method. One essential requirement of linear regression is that the residuals should follow a normal distribution. In this article, Kanda Data shares a tutorial on how to perform residual normality analysis in linear regression using R Studio, …

How to Perform Residual Normality Analysis in Linear Regression Using R Studio and Interpret the Results Read More »

What to Do If the Regression Coefficient Is Negative?

Linear regression is one of the most commonly used statistical analysis techniques to understand the impact of independent variables on a dependent variable. In regression analysis, the estimated coefficients indicate the extent to which each independent variable affects the dependent variable.

Can regression estimation coefficients have negative values?

In regression analysis, estimation coefficients are parameters used to understand the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. However, an interesting question arises: Can regression estimation coefficients have negative values? In this article, Kanda Data will delve into this phenomenon and discuss its practical implications in linear regression analysis using the ordinary least squares …

Can regression estimation coefficients have negative values? Read More »