Saturday, July 27, 2024

Monthly Archives: December, 2021

Hypothesis Test for Regression and Correlation Analysis

Do you still remember the term hypothesis? The hypothesis is a temporary conclusion from the research results that will conduct. You can also state...

How to Write an Abstract of an Article for Publication in a Scientific Journal

Skills in writing articles, nowadays are increasingly needed. A researcher is not only required to be able to produce novelty in research activities but...

Non-Multicollinearity Test in Multiple Linear Regression

When analyzing data using linear regression using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method, it takes an understanding of the assumption test that must be...

How to Calculate a Simple Linear Regression using Excel

In statistics, simple linear regression analysis consists of only two variables. The two variables are one dependent variable and one independent variable. On this...

How to Calculate a Multiple Linear Regression using Excel

Multiple linear regression analysis can determine the effect of one variable on other variables. In multiple linear regression, the number of independent variables observed...

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