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Monthly Archives: December, 2022

How to Calculate Predicted Y in Linear Regression Equations using Excel

In business management, linear regression can be used to predict sales. Estimating the regression equation based on empirical data owned by the company can...

How to Test Hypotheses in Regression Analysis, Correlation, and Difference Tests

Hypothesis testing is an important step that researchers must test. Researchers will develop research hypotheses according to the points of research objectives. Furthermore, researchers...

How to Calculate Durbin Watson Tests in Excel and Interpret the Results

Researchers who use time series data in linear regression analysis with the OLS method need to conduct some of the required assumption tests. One...

How to use dummy variables as dependent variables in regression analysis

Researchers will generally choose the ordinary least square linear regression method if the variable measurement scale is an interval or ratio scale. If the...

How to Analyze Paired Sample t-Test and Independent Sample t-Test

Excel can be used for several data analyzes, including t-tests. Researchers can use the t-test to test the difference in the mean of two...

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