Saturday, July 27, 2024

Monthly Archives: March, 2022

How to Calculate bo, b1, and b2 Coefficient Manually in Multiple Linear Regression

It is essential to understand the calculation of the estimated Coefficient of multiple linear regression. Completing these calculations requires an understanding of how to...

Multicollinearity Test using Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) in SPSS

Multicollinearity detection is one of the assumption tests that must be performed on multiple linear regression. This assumption test was conducted to obtain the...

How to Activate and Load the Data Analysis Toolpak in Excel

Until now, Excel has been an office application with many users. Excel can help manage data and process it to produce the required information....

How to Test the Multicollinearity in Multiple Linear Regression

When choosing multiple linear regression analysis, we include at least two independent variables into the model. To obtain the best linear unbiased estimator, we...

How to Find Variance, Standard Error, and T-Value in Simple Linear Regression

Calculating the value of variance, standard error, and t-value is the last stage in simple linear regression analysis. The variance value can be calculated...

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