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Monthly Archives: September, 2022

How to Distinguish 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10 Significance Levels in Statistics

A researcher in planning research will develop a hypothesis from the research that will be conducted. The hypothesis is created as a proposition about...

How to Select Random Sample using Data Analysis in Excel

The sample is part of the population, including the number and characteristics of the population. In large populations, researchers may not observe all of...

How to determine the minimum sample size to be representative

Based on the type, research can be divided into survey research and experimental research. In survey research, we generally collect primary data from a...

How to Calculate Price Elasticity from Linear Regression Equation

Researchers and practitioners often calculate elasticity to see the response of a variable due to changes in other variables. The measure of the degree...

Quantitative data analysis using data analysis toolpak in Excel

Researchers very well know Excel to help research data analysis. So far, excel is mainly used to input data and then present the data...

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