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Monthly Archives: September, 2023

How to Use Natural Logarithm Transformation in Excel and Interpret the Results

Data transformation is an effort to change the measurement scale of raw data into another form so that the data can meet the assumptions...

Understanding Normality Test in Ordinary Least Squares Linear Regression

Linear regression analysis examines the influence of independent variables on dependent variables. This analysis can take the form of simple linear regression or multiple...

Understanding the t-test for non-normally distributed data

For researchers aiming to explore the differences between two sample groups, the t-test is a viable option. According to theory, the t-test can determine...

How to Detect Multicollinearity in Multiple Linear Regression Equations Using the OLS Method

Multicollinearity testing is one of the assumptions in the least squares method of multiple linear regression. This test is conducted to determine whether there...

Definition and Purpose of Determining Residual Values in Linear Regression Analysis

In linear regression analysis, residual values play a crucial role. The residual value is the difference between the actual and predicted Y values. The...

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