Multicollinearity testing is one of the assumptions in the least squares method of multiple linear regression. This test is conducted to determine whether there is a strong correlation between independent variables.
If the test results indicate a strong correlation, it suggests a multicollinearity problem in the regression equation.
Conversely, if there is no strong correlation between independent variables, there are no signs of multicollinearity in the regression equation.
Multicollinearity testing is crucial to ensure consistent and unbiased estimation results. It is referred to as the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE).
Multicollinearity testing only applies to multiple linear regression
Linear regression analysis based on the number of independent variables can be divided into simple linear regression and multiple linear regression.
The difference between them lies in the number of independent variables in the equation. If a regression equation has one independent variable and one dependent variable, it is called simple linear regression.
If the regression equation consists of two or more independent variables and one dependent variable, it is called multiple linear regression.
Multicollinearity testing is only conducted for multiple linear regression equations. In the case of simple linear regression, there is no need for multicollinearity testing.
Why is multicollinearity testing only performed for multiple linear regression? This is because the focus is on the correlation between the independent variables.
Therefore, multicollinearity testing aims to detect strong correlations in each combination of independent variables present in the regression equation.
How to Detect Multicollinearity
Multicollinearity detection can be accomplished through several methods. The most commonly used method for detecting multicollinearity involves assessing the correlation between independent variables and calculating the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF).
Detection using correlation analysis is performed by correlating all independent variables in the regression equation. If the test results show high correlation coefficients (coefficient > 0.7), it suggests the presence of multicollinearity.
The second method is to examine the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values. VIF is the method most frequently employed by researchers to detect multicollinearity issues in regression equations.
Multicollinearity issues can be observed in high VIF values. A high VIF indicates a strong correlation among independent variables.
Typically, VIF values greater than 10 potentially indicate multicollinearity problems. On the other hand, if the VIF value is less than 10 and even lower than 5, it suggests a decreasing likelihood of multicollinearity occurring.
How to Address Multicollinearity
When the multicollinearity test results show high correlation values or VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) greater than 10, it can be concluded that the examined regression equation is experiencing multicollinearity issues.
In other words, the regression equation indicates a strong correlation among the independent variables. This condition can lead to biased and inconsistent estimation results.
Therefore, a solution is needed to address the multicollinearity problem. Several approaches can be considered to tackle multicollinearity issues.
There are three methods to consider for addressing multicollinearity problems. These three methods are generally the most commonly used approaches to address multicollinearity issues.
1. Remove Variables with High VIF
Even though efforts were made initially to construct a well-defined equation, it is possible that some independent variables exhibit high correlation after conducting the multicollinearity assumption test.
The first method involves re-specifying the regression equation. This method is done by removing independent variables that have high VIF values.
After removing one of the independent variables with a high VIF, retesting for multicollinearity can potentially reduce the VIF values of the remaining variables.
Re-specifying the equation by removing one of the independent variables with a high VIF can be one of the considerations.
2. Increase the Number of Observations/Samples
Increasing the number of observations or samples can be considered to address multicollinearity. With more observations, the data distribution and patterns become more diverse.
It is expected to reduce the VIF values. However, the impact of this method may not be as significant as removing independent variables with high VIF values.
3. Data Transformation
Transforming data from its original form into another can be considered a solution to address multicollinearity. One form of transformation, for example, is using natural logarithm (Ln) transformation.
Data transformation can also take other forms tailored to the characteristics of the data. Through data transformation, a decrease in VIF values is expected.
In addition to these three methods, there are other approaches as well. However, these three methods are the most commonly used to address multicollinearity issues.
Alright, that’s the article I can write for you today. In essence, it’s essential to detect multicollinearity to obtain unbiased estimation results.
Multicollinearity detection can be performed through correlation tests of independent variables and by calculating the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF).
I hope this article proves helpful and adds value to your knowledge. Stay tuned for the following educational article update next week. Thank you.