One of the indicators to evaluate the profit potential of an investment project is Net Present Value (NPV). The calculation of NPV forms a strong foundation in project feasibility analysis, enabling business owners to determine whether a project is feasible to pursue or not.
NPV measures the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows from a project. NPV can provide information on whether a project will generate net profit or loss based on the current value of money. NPV takes into account the time value of money, where money in the future will have a different value from money today.
By considering factors such as investment costs, cash inflows from the project, and discount rates, NPV provides a clear picture of the economic value of a project. Given the importance of understanding how to calculate NPV, in this instance, I will write about the topic of calculating Net Present Value (NPV) in project feasibility studies.
Theory of Net Present Value (NPV)
Before delving into how to calculate Net Present Value (NPV), it’s important to understand the theoretical basis of NPV. Firstly, we need to grasp the concept of the time value of money, where money has a changing value over time. One dollar received today will have a different value from one dollar received at a certain point in the future.
In NPV calculations, we use a discount rate to adjust the future cash flows’ value to the present value. This discount rate reflects the cost of capital or the expected rate of return from the investment. By using an appropriate discount rate, we can assess the present value of future cash flows while considering the time value of money.
Furthermore, we also need to consider the cash flows from the project. Cash flows encompass all receipts and payments associated with the project from period to period. These cash flows include revenue from product sales, production costs, operating expenses, initial capital investment, among others.
Once we calculate the value of future cash flows and the discount rate, we can compute NPV. This is done by subtracting the value of cash outflows from the value of cash inflows for each period. Then, we calculate the net present value of each cash flow. The summation of these values yields the total NPV.
Calculation Formula of Net Present Value (NPV)
NPV is calculated by summing the present value of all cash inflows and subtracting the present value of all cash outflows. In mathematical formula, NPV can be expressed as follows:

Bt – Ct = net cash flow in period t
i = discount rate (expected rate of return or cost of capital)
t = time period
n = number of time periods planned for the project
Case Example of NPV Calculation
An entrepreneur named Max wants to open a pet shop in his hometown. Max requires an initial investment of $45,000 to build the pet shop. Max has also calculated the cost of capital or discount rate to be 12% per year.
Max has conducted a feasibility study and estimated the net cash flow from this project for the next 10 years as follows:
Year 1: $10,000
Year 2: $12,500
Year 3: $15,000
Year 4: $20,000
Year 5: $25,000
Year 6: $35,000
Year 7: $42,500
Year 8: $52,500
Year 9: $65,000
Year 10: $80,000
The steps for calculating NPV start with identifying the cash flows. We need to determine the inflows and outflows associated with the investment project over the project period. However, in this case example, we already have the net cash flow values for 10 years with a discount rate of 12%.
The next step is to determine the discount factor value at a 12% discount rate using the formula 1/(1+i)^t. This formula is derived from the NPV calculation formula mentioned in the paragraph above.
The following step is to calculate the present value of each year within the project period by multiplying the net cash flow value by its discount factor. The total NPV value of the project in this case example is obtained by summing the present value. The detailed results of the NPV calculation can be seen in the table below:

Interpreting the Results of Net Present Value (NPV) Calculation
After conducting the NPV calculation for an investment project, the next step is to understand how these results can be interpreted. Interpreting NPV results is crucial in investment decision-making.
Based on the calculation results in the example case study, an NPV value of $118,825 was obtained. This value indicates that the NPV of the project is positive. It suggests that the present value of cash inflows from the project is greater than the present value of cash outflows, considering a 12% discount rate.
A positive NPV indicates that the project can be considered feasible for implementation. It signifies that the project can generate sufficient profits to offset the capital costs incurred to execute the project.
The NPV value can be influenced by the assumptions used in its calculation, such as the discount rate, estimated cash flows, and others. Therefore, sensitivity analysis is often conducted to test how changes in these assumptions can affect the NPV value and to measure the level of uncertainty in the project.
Thus concludes the article that Kanda Data has written on this occasion. Hopefully, it provides benefits and adds value to your knowledge. Stay tuned for updates on educational articles in the future.